Design individual kitchen knives in 3D

Design individual kitchen knives in 3D | 3D Gravur Konfigurator | 1

Become a knife artist. Individual design in the 3D kitchen knife configurator from TYPEMYKNIFE

From the idea to your impressive knife design.

In our first block post on the design of kitchen knives at TYPEMYKNIFE, we described the many ways to get creative.

Before you can label kitchen eaters in the 3D knife configurator, you have to be yourself Choose your desired knife.

There are two ways straight to the heart of our 3D knife configurator

Go directly to Shop on our home page. Two search options are displayed. Under “Use” you can specifically select a type of knife, such as a chef’s knife, bread knife or chopper. All common knife shapes can be found.

Or you open “Manufacturer”. There you can select the knife you are looking for from eleven European knife manufacturers.

We have only listed the best European knife manufacturers. All are guarantors for the highest quality craftsmanship and top-class workmanship.

Have you found your favorite knife or the model you want to give away, click on the 3D Engraving Configurator. The knife already appears as a virtual 3D model in space.

Your designer studio opens via the “Your design” field. Your artistic workplace. Your canvas is ready and can be designed. Everything you draw on the canvas transfers to the virtual knife. You can move this around the room and view it from all sides.

If you are satisfied with your design, put your designed kitchen knife in the shopping cart and complete the order.

Design individual kitchen knives in 3D | 3D Gravur Konfigurator | 4

laser engraving at TYPEMYKNIFE comprehensive personal support 

Now TYPEMYKNIFE takes care of the perfect implementation of your little work of art. Your draft will be reviewed and edited. Lines that are too thin are reinforced. Optimized contrasts. If there is room for improvement, or if we find spelling mistakes or similar, we will contact you immediately.

Your knife will be treated after laser engraving. The knife is protected against corrosion with a chemical process and then cleaned, packed and shipped.

Individual wishes, design and gift ideas. Realized by TYPEMYKNIFE

Do you have a company and want to give presents to your customers or employees? Do you want a unique design on the knife blade for a special occasion? The graphics department at TYPEMYKNIFE realizes your individual wishes.

Stars and chefs. We have individually designed kitchen knives for cooking stars.

We combined city silhouettes, kitchen interiors, portraits and company logos into unique compositions for our star chefs. Send us your materials and suggestions. We would be happy to sit down with you and develop the perfect knife design for you.

Design individual kitchen knives in 3D | 3D Gravur Konfigurator | 6

laser engraving at TYPEMYKNIFE comprehensive personal support 

Now TYPEMYKNIFE takes care of the perfect implementation of your little work of art. Your draft will be reviewed and edited. Lines that are too thin are reinforced. Optimized contrasts. If there is room for improvement, or if we find spelling mistakes or similar, we will contact you immediately.

Your knife will be treated after laser engraving. The knife is protected against corrosion with a chemical process and then cleaned, packed and shipped.

Individual wishes, design and gift ideas. Realized by TYPEMYKNIFE

Do you have a company and want to give presents to your customers or employees? Do you want a unique design on the knife blade for a special occasion? The graphics department at TYPEMYKNIFE realizes your individual wishes.

Stars and chefs. We have individually designed kitchen knives for cooking stars.

We combined city silhouettes, kitchen interiors, portraits and company logos into unique compositions for our star chefs. Send us your materials and suggestions. We would be happy to sit down with you and develop the perfect knife design for you.

Design individual kitchen knives in 3D | 3D Gravur Konfigurator | 8

3D frosting, laser engraving and laser lettering combined. The latest laser innovation

In the future we can offer the combination of laser marking and laser engraving on one blade.

The so-called 3D frosting is a process in which the engraving laser creates the spaces between the black areas. It fills in the gaps like contour lines on a topographic map.

The effect is like glittering reflective icy surfaces in contrast to the deep black flat surfaces. If you move the blade there is a 3D effect like on the old thick plastic 3D flip-picture postcards.

We will present our frosting 3D engraving results in a third blog. In combination with motif templates designed and optimized for this effect, the knife becomes a real optical design hammer!

You can find the first blog about designing blades here : 

Burgvogel Küchenmesser Juglans & Oliva Line T.2


Design individual kitchen knives in 3D | 3D Gravur Konfigurator | 10
Der 3D Gravur Konfigurator für dein Küchenmesser by TYPEMYKNIFE®

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